Plus, you're at the mercy of sound engineer's and that is not a good situation to be in as a guitarist playing a show, especially any show with more than one band playing.īias is about to release an amp head - you may want to look into that as well.Īll the workarounds to simply bringing an amp to a show end up being about 100 times more hassle than just bringing an amp.
#Download bias fx jazz patches drivers
Trust me on this.Īll of that being said, if you want to run Bias Live it's possible - you'll need a laptop and an interface - don't skimp on the interface because the drivers will be crucial - I'd suggest the Babyface Pro from RME for stability and latency reasons.Īll the workarounds to simply bringing an amp to a show end up being about 100 times more hassle than just bringing an amp.

Plus, most sound engineers, if you're lucky enough to even have one at a given gig, couldn't care less about your stage sound because all they care about is keeping feedback at bay for the singer, so your guitar will likely sound atrocious coming through the monitors and be completely neutered by EQ. With an amp, you can monitor directly from the amp in small venues by placing it behind you, which greatly simplifies everything. Hate to rain on your parade but a decent small combo amp ( Boogie etc.) would be preferable for live use - using sims, or pods or even Axe FX/Kemper adds a lot of hassle live - most small venues barely have a functioning monitoring system and, even when they do, most of that will be dedicated to your singer, leaving you with a precarious monitoring situation at best. A DI box maybe? Anyone have any experience with it? I'd also have my Pod HD500 as a backup if anything goes wrong.Bias is about to release an amp head - you may want to look into that as well. But I already own Bias FX for desktop and I was wondering.Maybe I should just use Bias live too? I guess that I'd need a laptop or an iPad or something, but apart from that.I don't know. So my plan was to get a Kemper or a Axe Fx.

I don't want a "real" amp as they are kind of heavy (I'm lazy) and since I don't have that much money I want something that I'll also be able to use when I record at home. So, I'm in metal band and I need something to play live.

First of all hello everyone, long time lurker but recently things are getting more serious so I thought I'd ask directly.